Crescent Techno


Cathode Electro Deposition

CED (Cathode Electro Deposition)

Cathode Electro Deposition is most advanced and environment friendly Water Based coating to be done on metal components. A combination of dip and spray ensures reach of paint at every corner of component having intrinsic shape as well.
CED is chemically resistant, mechanically durable, pleasant in appearance having very Good Salt Spray life and is sought for by all automobile users.

Electro-Deposition Coating

Electro-deposition of primer coating has become universal for a modern automotive paint shop. In ED, charged particles from the paint emulsion move to Anode (AED) or Cathode (CED) under electrical forces. The direct current established through the bath makes the pigment and resin base of the paint wander towards the body surfaces.
Coating reaches all the recessed area. Deposited film does not re-dissolve. However, the un-deposited material is rinsed. Ultra filtrate (UF) equipments are used for ED paint ingredients separation of those not forming film and recovery of Paints. Deposited film after stoving becomes hard, durable polymeric film.

The major steps in CED process are:

⦿ Pre-Treatment
⦿ Ultra Filtration
⦿ Curing

Advantages of electro-deposition over conventional primer